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3 Tips on Choosing the Right Size for Custom Stickers & Labels – Our Guide

Doing something new for the first time often comes with excitement, but it also comes with confusion. When it comes to determining the right size for your custom sticker or label, don’t worry if you get confused. It isn’t uncommon for trial and error to be a big part of making sure you get the desired outcome. 

Many times, however, visualizing a final outcome if easier said than done. Visualization becomes difficult because there was no tape measure or ruler involved when you imagined the perfect sticker or label for your brand. 

In this article, we will share with you three tips on how to choose the right size for your custom stickers or labels:

1. Draw the sticker or label on a paper and cut it out

If the drawing is too big for you, then readjust the modifications. If it’s too small, draw it again. Creating a template is essential if you don’t have a clear grasp of the actual dimensions you want for the sticker or label. This is because you will need something tangible so that you can establish a real sense of its final size. Once you’re satisfied with your template, grab a ruler and measure those dimensions right away to have a representation of your measurements.

2. Use a bottle to create a template for the label

Make sure that the shape and size of the bottle you’re using is similar to the visualisation of the product you want to sell to the public. Cut out paper templates and glue them on the bottle. If they fit perfectly, then note its measurements. If they don’t fit, adjust your template accordingly and measure again. Not only will this approach give you an accurate measurement of the label, but it will also give you an idea of the shape of the bottle you want to go with. 

3. Measure your template with everyday objects

Even if you don’t have a ruler nearby, you can measure your templates by using everyday items that are at home or around the office, such as credit cards, paper clips, calling cards, mobile phones, and others alike. 

For example, a credit card is 8.5cm x 5.4 cm. If your template is nearly the same size, then that’s the size you will have for your sticker or label. If it’s not, then look for other objects that you can compare it with. While you’re at it, try and get yourself a proper measuring device so that you can make more accurate measurements. 

Final words

Once you finally figured out the size for the sticker or label to promote your products or services, work closely with a printing company so that they can help you explore your options. Print Pal London is known to cater to clients who do not have any previous knowledge about the custom sticker and label printing. When you consult with them, you will be able to see immediate results in your marketing efforts that will help your business grow in the long run.

If you’re looking for a sticker printing service in London, get in touch with us today for a free consultation.