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5 Things to Consider for Effective Brochure Design

How do you create a brochure that gives your company a professional image that is worth keeping and giving away? The answer is simple. By adding good-quality information and making it visually pleasing and easy to read. 

Here are five things you need to consider to make sure your brochure is effective.

1. Know Your Purpose

Is your purpose to promote your business, or is it to recruit new employees? It helps to really know why you are printing a brochure. If your purpose is to inform, then you will want a design that will get people’s attention, as well as allow for easy reading. If your brochure is a sales piece, then you need to make sure that it is interesting, while still containing clear and concise information. Once you know why you’re making a brochure, you can build it out and make a design that tells that story.

2. Make It Visually Appealing 

The best brochures are rich in graphics. This doesn’t mean that you have to hire an artist unless you are trying to sell a product and it requires illustration. But the best brochures have graphics that set the tone for the company or organisation. You can have a variety of graphics to go with different sections, whether it is a product description, an article on the history of an organisation, or a snapshot of your staff.

3. Have an Overall Design

The design of the brochure needs to work as a unit. The main body and the cover need to have a consistent feel so that the overall appearance of the brochure feels like a cohesive whole. The brochure should have a theme that is carried throughout the graphics and type on each page. You can expand upon this theme by having different graphics that relate to the theme. For example, if you are promoting a certain product, then use graphics that will show why that product is the best. You can also use imagery that shows the same theme used in the graphics.

4. Make It Easy to Read

The amount of copy on a brochure has a huge effect on how easy it is for a reader to read and comprehend. If you are using the brochure to explain a service or product, then when you’re designing, like an article, you need to make it easy to get through, so that the reader doesn’t get bogged down in long text blocks. Make the copy into small chunks so that it reads more like a story. Use bold and highlighting to make important points stand out. Use short sentences and paragraphs. Have a strong headline on the cover, and within the body, use a subhead. The text will help to support and highlight the design while being easy to read.

5. Have a Call to Action and a Call to Response

A brochure should have a clear call to action. You can include a form in the brochure, or ask the reader to call and speak with a representative or to visit a website. Whatever you decide on, you need to provide contact information. This can be a simple address and phone number, or a larger section that is used for referrals and repeat business. It also helps to have a call to respond on every page of the brochure asking the reader’s opinion or to take a survey. This helps to get your name out there, and it gives you survey information that you or your sales team can use to improve your services or products.


A brochure is a great way to showcase your company, product or service to potential customers. It provides a large amount of information quickly and often has the option to collect contact details for future communications. If you are using the brochure for advertising, then the design has a big impact on whether the brochure is successful.

PrintPal London offers reliable printing services, including business cards, letterheads, brochures and even posters and banners. Let us provide you with a cost-effective design and a brochure that is worth keeping and giving away. Contact us to get started!