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Printpal London

The Ins, Outs, Do’s, and Don’ts of Postcard Marketing

Postcards are a classic way to reach out to your loved ones. Though it might seem old-fashioned, it is a surprising and unique gesture in the age of digital communication. There is allure in receiving something in the mail that a text message or Facebook post can’t give you, which presents an opportunity in advertising.  Print marketers have turned to postcards to advertise in unique ways. When done right, this can yield great results. Done wrong, and you may end up printing unnecessary pi...Continue Reading →

What to Know About Postcard Marketing For Your Brand

Ever since modern technology provided various digital solutions to make people’s lives more convenient and more accessible, plenty of users started to depend on it for almost everything they do. The internet is readily available for individuals and business owners to take advantage of as they please, with marketing strategies like social media and online ads being present to change the game.  As it continues to innovate rapidly without any sign of stopping, traditional methods like postcar...Continue Reading →